Sunday, June 22, 2014

De_Dust2--Learning The Map Part 2

All right, Part 2, baby! Lets jump right into some spams/wallbangs. Lets move on over to long A and work our way to mid and T spawn--Then we will be finished....with the wallbangs:P.
For this spam you are going to go over here to long A and there is an area on this wall right here that you can spam through:

So its like a slant on the wall and you are going to line up and shoot here:
This should hit someone walking through long A doors.
And this next one is particularly good because sometimes the Terrorists like to hold a flank or something behind this wall and you can often catch them standing there. Just set up and shoot right here:

That's for the CT side, now for the T side spamming. The first two I'm going to show you are in B tunnels and you should do these right away. You go up to this wall and shoot right here:

After you've done that one for a few seconds, go right here to this step:

And shoot EXACTLY right here:

And this one you go into the right corner near the Tunnels entrance, crouch, and shoot right here a little to the left of where this archway do-hicky thing starts:

For this next one you step up on this little step right here:

And shoot here:

And the last one for upper B tunnels you just go right next to this box, actually where that step was for the last one, and just shoot right here:

Now lets move over to mid/catwalk. This first spam is where CT's will sometimes go in catwalk. You go up to this green box and shoot right here:

And this next one I think is really valuable to know. You know that annoying spot where guys always get
you  at the "Goose" spray-paint? Well, when there hiding behind the wall about to come back out you shoot right at this wall HERE--its actually farther to the left then you think:

Another common spot is right here at the CT spawn boxes right here:

And some times they will try to jump up and see where you are, so, just shoot right here while you stand on the second to last step going up:

Now were going over to long A. First one you go right outside of Long chamber, line up the door with the big box inside and shoot here like so:

And you can shoot through the floor into Long Pit right here:

Another one right here:

That will catch people running up here:

And you can shoot right here through the floor for a nice headshot:

And another one that goes to CT spawn boxes:
That's all for part 2, sorry for posting it so late but, hey, life happens! Anyways, I will try for another post this week. Take care and I hope this helps!

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