Thursday, July 10, 2014

De_Dust 2 Part 5

We are almost finished with Dust2! Lets jump right to it! I'm not gonna go in any particular order:P
This nade is good for terrorists early round going into Bombsite B. Just go into tunnels and throw your nade at an angle right here:

It goes off right here:
Another one for lower B tunnels. You throw it along the curvy wall:
That goes off right here:
And you can also throw down the same way:

Another one....:
This one goes off here:
And here's another one for late round on terrorist side:
And that one goes off here:
And that's all for De_Dust 2! Just remember to practice A LOT. And be creative with your flashes, try new angles and such. The next map will be De_Nuke. Have fun and take care!

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