Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The AWP.


Yeah, I know I said I would do a post on Nuke, but I thought I should do this weapon and then the MP5(SMG) before that.
 Every FPS game has its ultimate sniper rifle. Counter Strike has the AWP. In the hands of a skilled player the AWP is a very, very lethal weapon.
So, first thing, the AWP has to be shot standing still to be accurate.
And one of the absolute best things I've learned is something called pre-scoping. What this means is you zoom in before you peak/jump out from behind cover and your already zoomed in, so if anyone is in your sights you can just shoot them instead of coming out, zooming in, aiming and then shooting. If you dont pre-scope while coming out of cover your opponent will see you and move, and by the time you've zoomed in your dead. So, practice this in Deathmatches A LOT, trust me, this will help you immensely.
After pre-scoping comes the different styles of shooting:
Stand-scoping(cant remember the actual name of the technique but I will explain it to you.)

I will start with quick scoping. Basically all you need to do is right click (zoom) and left click (shoot) really fast after that. So its almost like your hitting both mouse buttons at the same time. Hud_saytext 1 (its in my config guide) will help you with this. Another technique similar to quick-scoping is when you shoot, switch to your pistol, and then back to the AWP, really fast (if you have default Q to switch between your primary and secondary then you can just hit Q twice really fast) This removes some of the delay time before you can take another shot.

And no-scoping is pretty self explanatory--you just shoot without zooming in. But its a little bit more complicated then that. Look on youtube for some of the best AWPers and you will see that after they take a zoomed in shot and they missed, or there's another target, they will move, stop, and then no-scope. You will just have to play with the AWP a lot and figure it out.

And stand-scoping is just where you stand still, line up, and wait for your enemy to fall into your crosshairs.

That's pretty much all I have to say about the AWP except that when your in a wide open space you should strafe and then stop when you want to shoot. I also want to encourage you to practice with this weapon a lot--unless you don't like AWP then you can just use automatics. But whatever the case, you should practice as much as possible.

Take care and have fun!

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