Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Glock.

The Glock is the main Terrorist pistol, and, in my opinion, the best pistol--even better then the USP.
Yes, this is me getting those head-shots xD (I'm a fan of f0rest, not my legit name:P)

(These screen-shots were hard to get--look at all the work I do for you guys!)

Its my favorite WEAPON in the game besides the AK47 and AWP(sorry HeatoN). The reason its my favorite pistol is because it has incredible stopping power, anyone that gets hit will hardly be able to move--especially if there hit in the head. And its just very comfortable for me. I think its because its smaller and its not as loud as, say, the USP or a Deagle. And the great thing about it is if you hit them in the head they will stop moving and you can just spam there head-- but dont get excited and start shotting like crazy, control yourself and you will get those headshots.
I didn't really like the Glock until last Friday when I started figuring it out. First of I'm gonna start by saying the Glock is pretty useless long range, especially with burst fire mode.

The Glock is most powerful when your whole team goes rushing into a bombsite or something and start blowing the CT's heads off.
At medium range you want to use semi-auto mode and move around and jump(this is where bunny hopping comes in handy) and aim for the head--like I said before if you can get 1 bullet to his head, you can get the rest to his head--as long as you don't shoot too fast. At close range its pretty much the same. Although I do know some players who would disagree with that and say you should use burst fire mode at short range. But the burst fire mod is to random nowadays and to slow. Trust me, your better off using semi-auto.

That's all, have fun a take care!

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