Friday, May 30, 2014

The AK47.

Today we will talk about the main Terrorist weapon -- the AK47(*epic music*).

Probably the most popular weapon in the game, as well as the most powerful rifle. The AK47 is tricky to get the hang of. Let me list some pros and cons about the AK.

Pros: Deals the most damage out of every rifle in the game, taking only 1 shot to the head to kill and only 3 to the chest--compare that to the M4 which takes 2 to the head, and 4 to the chest. Its less expensive then the M4. Faster re-load time then the M4.
   Cons: Very loud, the enemy will know your position instantly once you fire it. Recoil is a lot harder to control. Is less accurate then the M4.

Despite these Cons, you can out-gun any player that's using an M4A1--with some practice. Like the M4 you always want to aim for the head. Firing at all the different distances differs with the AK and the M4, being that it takes fewer shots to kill an opponent with the AK. At close range spray, strafe, and aim for the head--even though accuracy decreases when moving it still only takes that 1 shot to kill your enemy. At medium range aim for the head and do bursts of 2 and pull down when firing. At long range tap and aim for the head while strafing.
When you strafe and fire any gun you don't want to strafe right, stop and shoot, strafe left, stop and shoot. you want to strafe, and then fire when you start moving the other direction. That technique will take some practice, but, once mastered, you will become extremely hard to hit. And controlling your recoil with this weapon is the same as the M4A1--pulling down and shaking your crosshairs a lil' left and right.
Well, that's all folks! take care and have fun!=D

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